Air Conditioning Service
Your car's air conditioning system needs regular attention to make sure it is working effectively. Manufacturers recommend every 2 years.

R134a & R1234yf
Vehicle Air Conditioning Servicing Regass Canterbury & Dover East Kent
Over time your air conditioning system can deteriorate, so the units require regular servicing to maximise performance and avoid odours. An air conditioning system is dependent on the amount / weight of gas, too much or too little can affect its performance.
East Kent Automotive in Canterbury can provide a full air conditioning service, re-gassing and cleansing services on site at competitive prices, including full recharge to improve performance, cleaning to prevent smells and odours, and a professional leak investigation and fault diagnosis.
We offer our professional service on the latest air conditioning refrigeration R134a Systems and the new R1234yf gas systems. We have the latest manufacturers approved equipment to carry out a full service on all vehicles.